So that you get off on the right foot and depending on the progress of your real estate project, we offer you loan simulation tools.

Our online credit simulators answer your questions.
How much could your future monthly payments be? The future duration of your loan? How is your loan distributed? What changes if you choose a repayment loan or a repayment loan? Are you eligible for a zero interest loan? Is your debt low enough to meet the banks’ criteria? How much will your notary fees be?

Without obligation, our tools allow you to immediately simulate your real estate loan (for the purchase of your main or secondary residence, the renegotiation of your loan, your rental investment, etc.). Carrying out your loan simulation is quick and easy.
Simply fill out a few fields to find out your future monthly loan payments, your repayment table, your solvency, etc.

Sanou Groupe Finance Calculator


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Period Payment Interest Balance
Registration fee


monthly fee


Total regular fees


total cost


Calculator disclaimer

Le montant du remboursement indiqué à l'aide de ce calculateur est une estimation basée sur les informations que vous fournissez. Ceci est à titre indicatif uniquement et les montants réels des remboursements peuvent varier. Pour connaître les montants réels de remboursement, contactez-nous. Ce calcul ne constitue pas une offre, une approbation de crédit, un accord ou un conseil de My Finance. Votre situation personnelle ou financière n'est pas prise en compte.